An exquisite One of A Kind A Grade Angel Aura Twin Point with 3 baby points cradling. Beautiful as part of a collection displayed in your home.
When a crystal is bonded with a fine layer of vaporised platinum or gold through high heat treatment it creates a Rainbow Aura appearance. This combination not only looks beautiful but it also increases the crystals vibration making them gorgeous energy pieces to have around you.
Angel Aura is bonded with Platinum.
Angel Aura
Angel Aura is Quartz crystal, bonded in a heat process with platinum. This process magnifies the vibrations and healing properties of quartz to give you a truly special crystal to work with. This stone has a beautiful loving energy that can help to lighten and stimulate your mood. Wonderful for
meditation with it bringing a sense of serenity and peace.
Quartz is a master healer, which is used to help cleanse and heal your auric field. A powerful stone used to attract wealth, success and aid spiritual growth. Angel Aura brings a feeling of peace, serenity along side the joy and optimism radiating energy.
Dimensions: approx 18cm x 9cm x 10cm
Price is for one Crystal.
(also available Amethyst Aura, Rose Quartz Aura, Aqua Aura)
All our stones are natural and therefore vary slightly in colour.
Crystals are recommended for their energy vibration from their formation, we do not recommend them as a replacement for necessary medical treatment. Please seek professional medical advice if so needed.